Friday, November 25, 2011

The Trans - Rabat...still...

So - going on from my last post (sorry these are bits and pieces...I'm writing when I can and uploading when I find wifi...I can't figure out how to set up my Moroccan SIM to get internet on my phone - I think its because I have too old of a BB...) Anyways - I'm sitting in the internet cafe waiting for my turn on a I can properly set up my email and sort out my storage unit drama!!! And see how things are going online in I'll write a bit more about our time in Rabat. I'll do a quick recap (mainly for myself because I feel like I've been gone for weeks...but its been less than a week-which is why I suppose no one has really emailed me to say they miss me or tell me any stories...) Its Friday this is the 6th day - and our 3rd day in Rabat. Apparently we'll spend tonight at the shitty campsite outside of town and leave tomorrow morning and actually see some more of the country this weekend before coming back to Rabat on Monday to finish sorting out the visas. It kind of sucks that this whole first week is filled with visas and stuff. I wish they would have had us just get them all before we left!

So anyways - Rabat...I've taken lots of showers and really enjoyedsleeping in a bed - even though I only spent 3 nights in a tent its still really nice to sleep in a bed. We did lots of walking yesterday.

We went to Sale' yesterday which is across the river. There's an old medina there we wandered around. Then we had someone row us back across the river and went and sat at a nice restaurant over-looking the ocean and ate a massive lunch!! Yum!!! Then we rolled ourselves back to the bus to meet everyone again and hear our instructions for meeting on Friday.

I was so tired after all the walking and eating yesterday that I think I was asleep by 10 and didn't wake up until after 9 this morning!! Amazing!!

Ok we just had a pretty lazy day! Nothing exciting. We are back on the truck and bush camping with the gang again tonight before leaving Rabat for the weekend. Apparently we have to come back Monday to pickup the passports - but at least we'll have a change of scene for a bit. Rabat is nice and its amazingly hassle free! We walked all through the market today and not one person hassled us! I love it. But there isn't much to see here. We had a big couscous for lunch (friday is couscous day apparently) and it was massive! So hopefully it will tide me over through dinner! I am off now - I'll be back Monday hopefully!!


  1. it does seem a waste of your trip to spend a week pissing about with visas - surely everyone could have sorted them out before you joined the truck? Must be especially annoying if there are people who don't need the visas.

    Still sounds like you are having fun - and it's hilarious that 6 days down and you have bought your first pair of shoes and decamped to a a hotel already. You go jacquie

  2. I'm just catching up on all these. It sounds like you are having a great time despite the visas and I'm so glad you are enjoying it. I miss you like crazy but can't wait to hear more!!
