Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Nepal Hiking - Days 4 & 5

Well, there isn't much more to say about walking. The last day and a half we basically walked down. Which is a bit easier for me than walking up, but poor Anthony has a bad knee so it was excruciating for him. We went really slowly on all the downhill bits. Again it was mostly stairs as well, and as we descend it gets a lot warmer. Mostly forest so large parts are shady. We are also by a big river most of the time. Lol...the constant sound of water makes me need to pee all day!!
There are tons of water falls!!! I can't believe how many!! Big ones and little ones...I don't have a lot of pictures because it as hard enough to just keep walking, but was still really pretty the whole way.
Sadly the heat got to me a bit on the 4th day. It was a long day...and at the end it was quite confusing going through fields and weaving down the hill. We went super fast too...at the end we followed one of the porters and just went. I think that rally knackered Anthony's knee but he could tell I needed to be done walking!!

That was the day everyone went to the hot springs...but I had heat stroke so the last thing I wanted was to walk downhill another 30 minutes to sit in a hot spring and then hike back up 45 minutes. Lol. So Anthony and I stayed at the guest house and slept.

The group had a big music and dancing party that night to since it was our last night on the trek....but my tummy wasn't up for it so I just slept.  I feel like I've been a bit anti social on the trip...but I'm so tired after hiking and the heat.

Hmm...what else. Oh the last day we only had a short short walk. Like two hours...but took ages because everyone to lots of breaks. We then took jeeps back to where the buses are. That was quite an adventure in the ending narrow road. Especially when another vehicle came in the other direction!!! I can't believe none crash or go over the cliff!!!

So all in all the hiking was quite an experience. A lot tougher than I thought it would be but we survived!!! Yay. And I'm really thankful we had such a nice friendly group!!

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