Monday, January 23, 2012

The Trans - At the Beach: One day left on The Trans!!

We arrived at the beach on Saturday! It feels amazing to be here!!! So relaxing...especially because I had a lie-in this morning and am NOT helping with the truck clean today. I have decided to follow our leaders example of the past 9 weeks and be a lazy American. So while everyone else was up at 7:30 to scrub pans and stuff in the parking lot of the hotel - I was sleeping in my air-conditioned beach hut! And now I'm sitting over a cup of tea and watching the waves - and the people in the group scrubbing pots in the sea. It looks like they are about finished with everything now. I'll be safe and be able to go lay in a beach chair soon!! BUT I am NOT going to scrub pans on the last day of my holiday!!! Just like I am not going to be involved in cooking dinner for everyone tonight because I think its my groups turn to cook again.

But enough of me being selfish...what have we done?!? We left Kumasi super early and drove to the coast and went to one of the old slave forts. That was quite interesting to head a bit of the history from when the Europeans came and to see the rooms and horrible conditions the slaves were kept in before they were sent to the Americas!! I'm glad I got in a bit of history before coming to the beach...because I'm doing nothing here :P

So after the slave fort we made our way to this lovely beach resort where I had a room lined up for myself in advance. Again - its the end of my holiday...I'm doing it in style!! I haven't even walked down the beach to the fishing boats or anything. I've gone swimming and read lots of books - and its only been 2 days!! There's a fort on top of a hill over-looking our hotel complex. I've been meaning to go but I can't wake up early enough and its too hot by like 10am to even dream of walking up a I'll just have to look at it from down here :) but I will eventually wander up and down the beach and check out the goings-on...I see lots of activity with the fishing boats and stuff...

I don't want to write too much (especially since I don't have much to say) but there is no internet access here so I have resorted to using my UK SIM card to check email and the my mobile bill this month is going to be a bit outrageous...which since I've gone way over-budget on this trip...its good that my job seems to be waiting for me when I get back! Fingers crossed!!

So my flight is tomorrow evening. The truck is heading to Accra tomorrow but I don't really want to go with them. I'm having the hotel lady see how much a taxi to the airport will be. Since my flight isn't until like mid-night I would prefer to spend my day at the beach rather than sitting in Accra carrying all my bags...I'm taking some of Eti's stuff back for her so she doesn't have to carry it all for the next 2 months while they travel on their own - so I'll have 2 big bags...if a taxi is a reasonable price - I'll be in it!! I have lots of Ghana $ left so I might as well spend them :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it is done! What a crazy experience :) hope your last moments there are fun and relaxing. You deserve it!
