Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Trans - sad news :(

So - sad news!!! Jo is super sick and we are all driving to Dakar tomorrow to bring her to hospital and  leave her there :( she's going home after she gets a note from her doctor to give her insurance company!

So now the trip has even less nice people! What a mess! I am so glad I'm done in like 20ish days.

The last few days I've just been sitting at the campsite here in St. Louis basically sleeping in a hammock and doing nothing. We had a bungalow (which Jo didn't want originally but since she was ill the whole 4 days we were here I think she appreciated the bungalow after!) But now I have to sleep in a tent and I was only allowed one damn egg for breakfast because we have to ration everything (I still don't understand!!!) So I was a bit grumpy this morning.

But then we went to town. It was a good time. It was Kaye, me, and Kris originally and then judith was with us and as we were walking around town suddenly kiwi anna and the tour leader were there! Oh no!! And they wanted to hang out with us!! Kris and I were able to get away from the group but, sadly, Kaye got stuck behind and we had to leave her to the group (its every man for himself on this trip!!). But Kris was a good guy to be stranded with - I led him to the dark side of eating at a restaurant and drinking something besides cheap beer!

So basically all I saw of St. Louis was the 2 bars we went to. I won't say how many bottles of wine we had but I'll say on the way home I was still mostly coherent and able to get us back to the campground and poor Kris wasn't. We made lots of friends with all the people selling stuff in town. I think we spent lots of money on junk and Kris came home in a lovely pair of pink pants...but then we came back to the news that Jo is going home! Boooo!!! Its gonna be an even worse few weeks. But I'll stop complaining and say xmas was really nice. We've been at a super laid back campground and I've done lots of sleeping in hammocks and swimming. And everyone that stayed here has done a good job of not bitching about stuff! So life isn't too too bad!

And now I'm sitting in the truck again on the way to Dakar. Jo got to sleep on the truck last night (OMG - the tour leader might have a soul...she gave up her bed to poor Jo!) After she had an IV (luckily one of the girls here is a doctor or something - she was in town while we were at the campsite but she came back last night and helped Jo out quite a bit. But Jo's still super ill and going home :( I think she's sad to leave - but a bit relieved too...this isn't exactly the best trip ever and at least her insurance company will reimburse her!! But it was kinda nice to sleep alone in the tent. There was lots of space and I didn't have to worry about waking anyone up everytime I moved...but I'll miss Jo...she's sweet and most of the others aren't!!

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