Thursday, October 6, 2011

Working Girl - 3 Continents in 3 Weeks!!

Well – how fitting that my first real blog post on my new travelling blog is a whirlwind world tour.  Unfortunately, I’m not travelling for pleasure but for work.  And when it’s for work, as glamorous as it sounds – travelling kind of sucks.  It basically a lot of talking to people I don’t know about accounting (how much more boring of a topic could you find).

Ho hum – I guess it’s not all bad.  I do get to fly business class!  So that’s kind of exciting!  I can say when I travel on my own dime it’s generally by the cheapest means possible staying in some of the cheapest places (with the necessary splurge here and there).  So as I sit here in my crappy Ramada hotel at the Shanghai Pudong Airport – I need to remember that at least someone else is paying for this and it could be a hostel.  Although, I don’t mind staying in hostels because at least I generally get to meet some interesting people...